I first had this cake at a friend’s son’s birthday party. I don’t remember how old he was at the birthday, but I remember that this cake was THE BEST CAKE I HAD EVER EATEN! My friend, Melanie, gave me the recipe that night. I may or may not have had two servings of said cake that night. The details are fuzzy…okay, they details are not fuzzy. I just don’t want to admit that I ate two pieces of cake. Oh…and said child…he started college this fall. Gulp.

The four of us used to serve at a sweet church together in Jackson, Tennessee. (PS-Beth was 3 when I met her. I fed her and her twin sister, Becky, an inordinate amount of strawberries the first time I met them. Strange how you remember random details like that, huh?!?


They are both in college now and precious as always.) Apparently, Melanie remembered the two cake slice thing because when I got to the conference this cupcake tower was there ALL.FOR.ME…okay, just kidding. I had to share it.

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