Gluten Free Baked Apple Cider Donut Recipe

Every fall we pack all of our littles up in the car and we head to our favorite apple orchard(s). Is it weird that we visit more than a couple? Is it weirder that we have multiple favorites too? Cause we do. And no matter what time of day we go, like, we could have just had a huge breakfast or a ginormous lunch, we will always, always, beeline it over to the apple cider donuts and buy at a very minimum one dozen.

And they will most likely all be gone before we even leave the parking lot. We can always be counted on like that. You’re welcome apple orchards of Chicago. We love to keep you in business!

Gluten Free Baked Apple Cider Donut Recipe

Well, I finally had it in me to figure out a recipe for Baked Apple Cider Donuts and I made them Gluten Free too, holla! So now we can enjoy these delicious donuts whenever we get the hankering for them and feel a bit better about the fact that they are BAKED and made with gluten free flour! No more getting our fix only during apple season, year round Apple Cider Donuts for the win!

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